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Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery, also known as a “thighplasty,” can reshape your thighs by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure improves shape and contour, leaving you with thighs that are more proportionate to your body.

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Dr. Gougoutas in a surgery suite

How do I know if I’m a thighplasty candidate?

Ideal thighplasty candidates are close to their ideal weight and often demonstrate:

  • Saggy, excess skin on the inner aspect of the thighs anywhere from groin to knees
  • Difficulty finding clothes that fit
  • Self-consciousness when wearing more revealing, warm weather clothing
  • A feeling as though one’s thighs are “out of proportion” or “too large”

Thighplasty FAQs

Q. Will I require surgical drains following my thightplasty?

A. In most instances surgical drains are required following a thighplasty. These drains serve to remove extra fluid and promote faster healing while reducing swelling. Generally drains stay in place for 7-10 days and are removed in the office.

Q. What is recovery like following a thighplasty?

A. Minor swelling and bruising are expected to be present for up to a month following a thigh lift, with most individuals returning to their daily routine within the same time. You will have activity limitations for the first several weeks following surgery, the details of which will be discussed with you at the time of your consultation.

Will liposuction be performed at the time of my thighplasty?

A. Possibly. Liposuction is often performed at the time of a thigh lift to improve contouring. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Gougoutas will discuss whether or not you are a liposuction candidate.

Q. Will I have to wear anything special following my thighplasty?

A. It is recommended that you wear a compression garment that covers the thighs for several weeks following your surgery. This garment will help reduce swelling, sculpt the underlying tissues and minimize pain.

Q. Where will the incisions be for my thighplasty?

A. The incisions for your thigh lift will be based on the specific areas that need to be addressed and may either be concealed within the groin or along the inner aspect of the thigh.

Have additional questions about thigh lift surgery?

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